Biopsy Test In Thane

Biopsy Test In Thane

A biopsy is the removal of a small sample of tissue from the body for closer examination. When a basic examination reveals that an area of tissue in the body is not normal, the doctor should recommend a biopsy. Most tumors can only be accurately diagnosed with a biopsy. Although imaging tests such as CT scans and X-rays can help find problem areas, they cannot distinguish between malignant and non-cancerous cells. We have one of the best Biopsy Test In Thane. Biopsies are closely associated with cancer, but just because a doctor orders a biopsy does not guarantee that you have the disease. Doctors perform biopsies to determine whether diseases other than cancer are responsible for abnormalities in your body.

A biopsy is a medical procedure where a small sample of tissue is taken from the body and examined under a microscope. A biopsy is used to diagnose a medical condition or to assess the severity of a disease. Book your appointment now with our doctor for theBiopsy Test In Thane. and Biopsies are used to detect various conditions such as cancer, infections, autoimmune and other diseases. In this article, we will look at the different types of biopsy, how it is performed and what to expect during and after the operation.

Types of Biopsy

There are several types of biopsies, and the type of biopsy you will have depends on the body part being examined and the reason for the biopsy. The most common types of biopsies are:

  • Needle biopsy:A tiny needle is used to retrieve a small sample of tissue during a needle biopsy. Breast, prostate, and thyroid cancer are frequently diagnosed by the use of needle biopsies.
  • Surgical biopsy:During a surgical operation, a larger sample of tissue is removed during a surgical biopsy. Skin cancer and other conditions that affect the skin are frequently diagnosed by surgical biopsies.
  • Endoscopic biopsy:This kind of biopsy looks within the body while obtaining a tissue sample using a flexible tube with a camera and light at one end (endoscope). The detection of cancer and gastrointestinal disorders usually entails endoscopic biopsies.
  • Bone marrow biopsy:A small sample of bone marrow is taken from the hip bone during a bone marrow biopsy in order to diagnose blood disorders like lymphoma and leukaemia.

How Biopsies are Performed?

Depending on the type of biopsy and the body region to be examined, different steps are required. Usually, the biopsy is performed under local anesthesia at the site to be examined. A needle biopsy is often performed on an outpatient basis and takes 30 minutes. During the procedure, a small tissue sample is taken by inserting a needle into the area to be examined. The tissue sample is then taken to a laboratory for microscopic examination. Consult with our expert doctor for the best Biopsy Test In Thane.

Surgical biopsies often include general anaesthesia and are performed in a hospital or outpatient surgery facility. A larger sample of tissue will be extracted during the procedure by a surgeon making an incision. In our Biopsy Test Centre In Thane The tissue sample is subsequently delivered to a lab for analysis.Endoscopic biopsies typically take 30 minutes to complete and are performed as an outpatient procedure. An endoscope is placed into the body during the process to view the area being investigated. The tissue sample is then taken out using a tiny tool and sent to a lab for analysis. Local anaesthesia is commonly used for bone marrow biopsies, which are often done in a hospital or outpatient surgery facility. A tiny sample of bone marrow is taken during the process by inserting a needle into the hipbone.Thefore get in touch with us and consult with our doctor for the Biopsy Test In Thane.

What to Expect During and After the Procedure?

You might experience pressure or a minor discomfort at the location where the tissue sample is being taken during the biopsy. You might suffer some soreness or discomfort at the location of the biopsy after the procedure, but this can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers. The results of the laboratory examination of the tissue sample should be ready in a few days to a week. We have one of the best Biopsy Test In Thane, So your doctor will go through the biopsy results with you and will make any treatment plans based on the diagnosis. A biopsy is a procedure used in medicine to identify a variety of illnesses. The bodily component being examined and the reason for the biopsy will determine the sort of biopsy you have.

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